New products now available

We have teamed up with RuggaRobe, to offer FilmWifi Set Robes, designed specifically for the film & TV industry.
The FilmWifi-branded Set Robes provide extra warmth and are fully weatherproof, and perfect for everyone on set – including cast, crew, wardrobe and make-up artists.
Priced at £137.99 (including P&P) our Set Robes are currently only available in navy blue. Size options are: Small, Medium & Large. Please allow up to 10 days for delivery.
Perfect for everyone on set
Set Robe for Cast Members
No need to stand around waiting for your shoot in the cold and/or wet. Our Set Robes have been designed to fit over costumes to provide cast members with extra warmth during rehearsals, between takes or when you simply need a snooze.
Set Robe for Crew Members
A waterproof change robe to keep you warm and dry on long cold, or wet days, whilst on location. Early starts or late nights, the Set Robe will definitely come in handy, ensuring you can get on with the job in comfort.
Set Robe for Wardrobe & Make-up
The ideal overcoat or winter robe for working on set, particularly outdoor locations. Great inner pockets: one waterproof and one for the mini iPad.
Supporting Film & TV Charity
5% from the sale of every Set Robe will help support this very worthwhile cause. Learn more about the charity here.